
Hope Valley Bare Witness

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Holidays in Crete

Cyprus Waves w/es 

Working with Labyrinths

Workshops in UK and Ireland

Deep in Time - Poetry

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dying to dance tulip

Dying to dance

Calver Village Hall, Derbyshire,

A beautiful venue in rural Derbyshire.

June 14 - 15th 2003

Dancing towards midsummer, we blossom and die to dance again.
A 5Rhythmsô dance weekend workshop with mask-making, drawing and writing processes  to catalyse the essence of our inner artist in the dance of life. A wonderful workout for your creative conjuror! 

Cost: £70, (concs. £60, £50) 
Book by sending £20 deposit or full amount by the end of May. After that the fee is £80. 

Cheques payable to Cora Greenhill 

Bookings and enquiries about accommodation, travel etc to 
Claire Armstrong

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