
Deep in Time - Poetry

About Cora 

Holidays in Crete

Workshops in UK

Send Email to Cora  

Booking form for inscape holidays



I should like to book on:

Name of Course(s) 
Dates of course(s) 
Date of making booking 
I enclose full payment/50%deposit 
with a cheque made out to Inscape Holidays, my cc details on back 
I am claiming 5%/10% discount (Yes/No) 
I undertake to pay any balance by 8 weeks prior to the course. 
I would like information about flights to Crete (Yes/No) 
I would like to be put in touch with others to share a hire car (Yes/No) 
I am willing to be a driver (Yes/No) 
I understand that I am responsible for arranging my own flights and insurance. I also understand that my deposit is non-returnable after 8 weeks prior to the course, except in the unlikely event of the course being cancelled. 
Any special requests? (eg diet, single room.) 

(Please make it clear if your booking is conditional on special needs, in case we cannot meet them. We regret that neither centre is easily accessible for wheelchairs.) 
Any special priority of interests? Eg mainly dance, mainly writing, mythology etc. 
Would you like a reading list on Crete? 
Where did you hear about Inscape Holidays? 
Do you wish to be on our mailing list for workshops in Britain? 

Signed      Date 

Please return this form with your cheque (made out to Inscape Holidays) to: 

Cora Greenhill 
9, The Windses, Grindleford, 
Hope Valley, S32 2HY, UK 

Tel. 0044 (0)1433 630759 

Email  Cora  

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